Services of Sednove

Sednove Ltd offers products and technical service in the field of physical chemistry and automation. 

In addition, industrial automation services expand the range of products and services offered.

More than 25 years of experience in automation solutions among other things, as well as the implementation of systems related to nuclear fuel handling makes the co-operation with Sednove Ltd reliable.

Sednove´s  consumer products have been excellent and pioneerinig solutions for problems concerning freezing water pipes and aeration of well water since the beginning of 21st century. Now this product line has been moved under the brand name AkvaSolina.

Sednove ejector cell – solutions for green technology

Sednove celluralized ejectors provide effective physical method for mixing fluids, gases or vapors. The applications can be found in aquaculture as well as biochemical and petrochemical industries.

Easy to scale

Ejector cell-based processing methods accelerate reaction times of several processes. This is based on a vacuum where micro-sized gas bubbles and droplets form a larger reaction area. The aero and hydrodynamic properties of the process are customizable to the application and the capacity is also easily scalable from laboratory conditions to industrial scale.

Proper selection of materials enables the usage of ejectors in high temperatures and with aggressive media. Moreover several different materials are available for the food contact application.

ejektorikennosto Sednove


  • Management of gas concentration
  • Biochemistry / food industry
  • Biotech and cleantech
  • Emulsion / flocculation processes
  • Chemistry / petrochemistry
  • Water handling – Products of AkvaSolina
  • Radon removal / aeration
  • Ozonation
  • Aquaculture (e.g. fish / algae)
strongest in finland asiakastieto

Made in Finland

Services of automation

Sednove Ltd´s industrial automation service provides solutions for programmable logistics and PC assisted laboratories and industrial automation, such as:

  • measurement and adjustment
  • material handling and management
  • various tools for quality control.

Complementary forms of service also include various documentation and illustration services as well.

Services and products of Sednove Ltd are suitable for various industries.

Applications are used as follows:

  • Water chemical industry
  • Energy industry
  • Machinery
  • Package industry


Sednove´s expertise has been created by experienced and service minded people and long-term activity in the industrial environment.

Moreover versatile co-operation with innovative companies / various experts expand the coverage provided.

Sednove Vesivahti consumer products have been solutions for problems concerning freezing water pipes and aeration of well water. The same product line has now been renamed as AkvaSolina.

Fortum referenssi Sednove Oy
Fortum Loviisa NPP
referenssi Sednove automaatiotoimintojen suunnittelu
Elokuu LT
Sednove referenssi VTT
Technical Research Centre of Finland


Sednove automaatioalan palvelut

Raimo Lappi (CEO)

Sales and customer support

tel. 0440-535 123